Buy your pass then book your class!

Buy your pass first in the membership tab just below.  On your phone hit the drop down tab to the right of “Classes”.  On your laptop it is the second tab next to “Classes”.  Once you have successfully purchased your membership then you can book into your classes. 


Our Studio

Our studio is run exclusively by Physiotherapists.  We have a maximum of 4 people per class. Being specialists in movement we can adapt any exercise to suit your specific needs.  If you have an injury history or just want to discuss how we can best support your exercise journey then please email us prior to arriving at your class.



If the class you want to attend is full you can put yourself on the waitlist.  As soon as a space becomes available you will be automatically placed in that class and sent a reminder email. Please note the first person on the waitlist has priority.  You will be given at least 18 hours notice as per our cancellation policy.

powered by Glofox


If you are starting on your Pilates journey or just getting back into exercise then this is the class for you.  Expect a whole body workout at a slower pace.

Learn the basics and refine your technique.  However, don’t think this class will be boring or easy – we will make the weights as heavy as needed to reap the rewards.


Our higher intensity Fusion class offers deep muscle burn, cardio and stretching for the ultimate full body workout.

Be prepared to curse us the next day when those muscles don’t let you forget what we put them through!

If you are a beginner please join our FORM class first till you get your head around the basics and are familiar with the equipment. 


Designed by physiotherapists with the everchanging female body in mind.  We will work those glutes to keep your pelvis feeling secure, work your core within its already stretched limits and build all the surrounding muscles you will need in preparation for carrying babies after birth. Do not expect this class to be easy however we will tailor it to your needs.

If you have any special advice from your Women’s Health Physiotherapist, Obstetrician or GP please email us prior to joining the class so we can tailor the exercises to suit your individual needs.

*** These classes are run in 5 week blocks. Please email to book in. Next block starting August 2024 with Sarah.


This is our class for men only.

Tailored specifically for men to work on your stability muscles and to get rid of or prevent upper/lower back pain. We target the smaller muscles you don’t think you need while incorporating some fun high intensity exercises so you fell like you have done your body justice.


What is Reformer Pilates?

Reformer pilates is designed to reduce pain, target your core, increase strength and improve your mobility/flexibility through Pilates based exercises. Reformers are spring loaded resistance Pilates machines which enable us to really ramp up or down the resistance to suit your needs.  We also use weights, rollers, ova balls, swiss balls and Pilates ring to keep your session fresh and exciting.

If you have a complex injury history or feel you would benefit from a 1:1 class to begin with please email us to arrange a time.  This 45 minute session will involve a thorough assessment of your movement patterns, injury and pain history, core activation and breathing assessment. If you have never done Pilates before we will then take you through some basic Pilates exercises, coaching you around breathing and muscle activation.  

Who benefits from Reformer Pilates?

We cater for beginners to experts, tradies to desk jockeys, the injured clients to the ones who need strength to back up their extreme sports habits.

We provide group classes and 1:1 sessions with a Pilates trained physiotherapist. This means however sore or damaged you feel we can still get you moving without fear of injury.

Historically pilates has been used extensively with people who have lower back pain with fantastic lasting results. We encourage gentle strengthening and mobility to get people moving pain free!

Surprisingly our biggest converts are younger males who are physically very strong but lack the core stability and balance to continue their active lifestyle without injury and back pain.